July 2-4, 2024
Castelo de Soutomaior
Vigo (Spain)


Scientific Committee

Call for Papers


Useful Information

Tips on Preparing for the Workshop

Publications of Workshop Presentations

Publications of Workshop Presentations

Betty Agnani Gambacorta (Universidad de Granada), Maria-Jose Gutierrez, and Amaia Iza, "Growth in overlapping generation economies with non-renewable resources" Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 50:2, 2005, 387-407, workshop VI.

Rosa Aisa-Rived (Universidad de Zaragoza) and Marcos Sanso, "Endogenous longevity, biological deterioration and economic growth," Journal of Health Economics, 25:3, 2006, 555-578, workshop VIII.

Fernando Alexandre (University of Minho), John Driffill, and Fabio Spagnolo, "Inflation targeting, exchange rate volatility and international policy coordination," Manchester School, 70:4, 2002, 546-569, workshop VI.

Jaime Alonso-Carrera (Universidade de Vigo), "On learning to forecast in an endogenous growth model with externalities", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 25:8, 2001, 1139-1156, workshop I.

Antonio R. Antunes (Banco de Portugal) and Tiago V. Cavalcanti, "Start up costs, limited enforcement, and the hidden economy", European Economic Review, 51:1, 2007, 203-224, workshop VII.

Ilaski Baranano, Amaia Iza (Universidad del País Vasco), and Jesus Vazquez, "A comparison between the log-linear and the parameterized expectations methods", Spanish Economic Review, 4:1, 2002, 41-60, workshop II.

Binyamin Berdugo and Moshe Hazan (Hebrew University), "Child labor , fertility, and economic growth", Economic Journal, 112:482, 2002, 810-828, workshop VI.

M. Javier Bianchi (University of Maryland), "Overborrowing and Sistematic Externalities in the Business Cycle", American Economic Review 101, 2011, 3400-3426, workshop XIV.

Teodora Borota (European University Institute), "Innovation and Imitation in a Model of North-South Trade", Journal of International Economics 87, 2012, 365-376, workshop XII.

Maite Blazquez Cuesta (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and Marcel Jansen, "Search, mismatch and unemployment", European Economic Review , 52:3, 2008, 498-526, workshop VIII.

Christian Calmes (Université du Québec en Outaouais), "Self-enforcing labour contracts and macroeconomic dynamics", International Advances in Economic Research, 13:2, 2007, 200-213, Workshop V.

Eva Carceles-Poveda (SUNY-Stony Brook), "Idiosyncratic shocks and asset returns in the real business-cycle model: an approximate analytical approach", Macroeconomic Dynamics, 9:3, 2005, 295-320, workshop VI.

Ricardo Cavalcanti and Andrés Erosa (University of Toronto), "A theory of capital gains taxation and business turnover", Economic Theory , 32:3, 2007, 477-496, workshop II.

Fabrice Collard (University of Adelaide), "Public investment, stabilization and growth", in J.O. Hairajlt , P.Y. Hénin , and F. Portier , eds., Business cycles and macroeconomic stability: Should we rebuild built-in stabilizers? Kluwer, 1997, 79-105, workshop I.

J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz ( FEDEA) and Vincenzo Galasso, "Early retirement", Review of Economic Dynamics, 6:1, 2003, 1236, workshop IV.

J. Ignacio Conde-Ruiz ( FEDEA) and Vincenzo Galasso, "The macroeconomics of early retirement" Journal of Public Economics, 88:9-10, 2004, 1849-1869, workshop IV.

Conesa , Juan Carlos and Carlos Garriga (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis), "Reforma del sistema de seguridad social y adquisicion de formacion " (with English summary ), Investigaciones Economicas , 24:2, 2000, 271-295, workshop II.

Rahul Giri (University of Southern California), "Local costs of distribution, international trade costs and micro evidence on the law of one price," Journal of International Economics 86 2012, 82-100, workshop XII.

Alejandro Cuñat and Marco Maffezzoli (Universita Commerciale L. Bocconi), "Can comparative advantage explain the growth of U.S. trade?" Economic Journal, 117:520, 2007, 583-602, workshop VIII.

Jose Maria Da Rocha (Universidade de Vigo ) and Luisa Fuster , "Why are fertility rates and female employment ratios positively correlated across O.E.C.D. countries?" International Economic Review , 47:4, 2006, 1187-1222, workshop V.

Antonia Diaz and Maria Jose Luengo -Prado ( Northeastern University), "On the user cost and homeownership," Review of Economic Dynamics, 11:3, 2008, 584-613, workshop VIII.

Antonia Diaz, Victor Rios-Rull and Josep Pijoan -Mas (CEMFI), "Precautionary savings and wealth distribution under habit formation preferences," Journal of Monetary Economics, 50:6, 2003, 1257-1291, workshop V.

Nicolas Dromel ( Université Paris I Panthéon -Sorbonne) and Patrick Pintus , "Are progressive income taxes stabilizing?" Journal of Public Economic Theory, 10:3, 2008, 329-349, workshop XI.

Alain Durre ( Université Catholique de Lille ), "Stock prices, exchange rates, and monetary policy," in Essays on the internaction between monetary policy and financial markets, A. Durre , Presses Universtaires de Louvain, 2003, 13-50, workshop V.

Gabriel Felbermayr ( University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim ) and Omar Licandro , "The underestimated virtues of the two-sector AK model," B.E. Journals in Macroeconomics: Contributions to Macroeconomics, 5:1, 2005, 1-17, workshop VII.

Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba (Universidad de Salamanca) and Timothy J. Kehoe, "Capital flows and real exchange rate fluctuations following Spain's entry into the European Community," Journal of International Economics, 51:1, 2000, 49-78, workshop III.

Dolores Ferrero Martinez (Universidade de Vigo ) and Amaia Iza , "Skill premium effects on fertility and female labor force supply," Journal of Population Economics, 17:1, 2004, 1-16, workshop IV.

April Franco (University of Toronto) and Darren Filson , "Spin-outs: knowledge diffusion through employee mobility," Rand Journal of Economics , 37:4, 2006, 841-860, workshop IV.

M.J. Freire-Seren ( Universidade de Vigo ) "Human capital accumulation and economic growth," Investigaciones Economicas , 25:3, 2001, 585-602, workshop I.

Luisa Fuster (University of Toronto), Ayse Imrohoroglu , and Selo Imrohoroglu , "A welfare analysis of social security in a dynastic framework," International Economic Review, 44:4, 2003, 1247-1274, workshop II.

Carlos Garriga (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis), "Un analisis de equilibrio general de dos propuestas de reforma de la seguridad social" ( with English summary ), Investigaciones Economicas , 29:1, 2005, 117-148, workshop III.

Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm School of Economics), "Bank-firm relationships and contagious banking crises," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking , 35:2, 2003, 239-261, workshop IV.

Arantza Gorostiaga (Universidad del Pais Vasco), "Should fiscal policy be different in a non-competitive framework," Journal of Monetary Economics, 50:6, 2003, 1311-1331, workshop III.

Pedro J. Gutierrez (Universidad de Valladolid), "Hedging against risk and the substitution of consumer issued assets by producer issued assets: the role of state specialization of production processes," Global Business and Economics Review, 3:2, 2001, 212-232, workshop V.

Paul Hiebert and Javier J. Perez (Banco de Espana ), "Identifying endogenous fiscal policy rules for macroeconomic models," Journal of Policy Modeling , 26:8-9, 2004, 1073-1089, workshop III.

Ana Hidalgo-Cabrillana (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), "" Journal of Development Economics, forthcoming, workshop VII.

Thomas Hintermaier (Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna) and Thomas Steinberger, "Occupational choice and the private equity premium puzzle," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29:10, 2005, 1765-1783, workshop VII.

Belen Jerez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ) and Miquel Faig , "A theory of commerce," Journal of Economic Theory, 122:1, 2005, 60-99, workshop IX.

Karsten Jeske (Mellon Capital Management), "Private international debt with risk of repudiation," Journal of Political Economy, 114:3, 2006, 576-593, workshop IV.

Frederic Karame , Lise Patureau ( Université de Cergy-Pontoise ) and Thepthida Sopraseuth , "Limited participation and exchange rate dynamics: does theory meet the data?" Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32:4, 2008, 1041-1087, workshop VII.

Francesco Lancia (University of Salerno) and Russo, Alessia (2016), "Public education and pensions in democracy: A political economy theory," Journal of the European Economic Association, 14, 2016, 1038-1073, workshop XIV.

Gemma Larramona Ballarín (Universidad de Zaragoza), "Migration dynamics, growth and convergence," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 30:11, 2006, 2261-2279, workshop X.

Omar Licandro and Luis A. Puch (Universidad Complutense de Madrid and FEDEA), "Capital utilization, maintenance costs and the business cycle," Annales d'Economie et de Statistique , 58, 2000, 143-164, workshop I.

Claudio Michelacci (CEMFI), "Cross-sectional heterogeneity and the persistence of aggregate fluctuations," Journal of Monetary Economics , 51:7, 2004, 1321-1352, workshop III.

Claudio Michelacci (CEMFI) and Javier Suarez, "Business creation and the stock market," Review of Economic Studies , 71:2, 2004, 459-481, workshop III.

Matthew Mitchell (University of Toronto), "Technological change and the scale of production," Review of Economic Dynamics, 5:2, 2002, 477-488, workshop III.

Krisztina Molnar ( Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration), "Learning with expert advice," Journal of the European Economic Association, 5:2-3, 2007, 420-432, workshop XI.

Jose Mauricio Prado (IIES, Stockholm University), "Government Policy in the Formal and Informal Sectors," European Economic Review 55, 2011, 1120-1136, workshop XIII.

Agustin Perez- Barahona ( Université Paris I Panthéon -Sorbonne) and Benteng Zou, "A comparative study of energy saving technical progress in a vintage capital model," Resource and Energy Economics, 28:2, 2006, 181-191, workshop IX.

Josep Pijoan -Mas (CEMFI), "Precautionary savings or working longer hours?" Review of Economic Dynamics, 9:2, 2006, 326-352, workshop VIII

Franck Portier and Luis A. Puch (Universidad Complutense de Madrid and FEDEA), "The welfare cost of business cycles in an economy with nonclearing markets," B.E. Journals in Macroeconomics: Topics in Macroeconomics, 6:3, 2006, 1-14, workshop II.

Juan A. Rojas and Carlos Urrutia (ITAM), "Social security reform with uninsurable income risk and endogenous borrowing constraints," Review of Economic Dynamics , 11:1, 2008, 83-103, workshop IV.

Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr (European University Institute), "Heterogenous Firms, 'Profit Schifting' FDI and International Tax Competition",Journal of Public Economics 95, 2011, 122-133, workshop XIV.

Jose Ignacio Silva Becerra (Universitat Jaume I de Castello) and Manuel E. Toledo, "Labor turnover costs and the behavior of vacancies and unemployment", Macroeconomics Dynamics, forthcoming, workshop X.

Thepthida Sopraseuth (Université du Maine), "Exchange rate regimes and international business cycles",Review of Economic Dynamics, 6:2, 2003, 339-361, workshop V.

Sveen and Lutz Weinke (Duke University), "Lumpy investment, sticky prices, and the monetary transmission mechanism", Journal of Monetary Economics, 54, supp., 2007, S23-36, workshop IX.

Maria J. Ribeiro Thompson (Universidade do Minho), "Complementarities and costly investment in a growth model", Journal of Economics , 94:3, 2008, 231-240, workshop X.